Modest Outfit Inspiration for Christian Girlies <3
In a world concerned with outward appearances, the concept of modesty does not often align with today’s trends. As Christians, the call to modesty reflects our commitment to honor God and treat our bodies as sacred temples of the Holy Spirit. Modesty is classy, elegant, beautiful, and glorifies God.
"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30 (NIV)
Dressing modestly doesn’t mean dressing “frumpy.” Dressing in a way that honors the Lord is beautiful, in more ways than one..
Here’s a gallery of some outfit inspiration that’s cute, fun, and comfortable. You can save these pictures to your Pinterest by hovering over them! (Hint, I’m kind of going for the granola-girl vibe, so… That’s what’s up.)
For more inspiration, I highly suggest going on Pinterest! Type in “modest outfits” or “granola girl outfits” and you’ll have unlimited outfit ideas!